{{tag>Unix Linux Netzwerk}} Pingt alle angegebenen Adressen und liefert ein lesbares Ergebnis aus. \\ Die IP-Range und die Host-IP muss vorher im ping_check.php angepasst werden. \\ ''sudo php ping_check.php >> php_ergebnis.txt'' **ping_check.php** False for ($currentIPlong = ip2long($startIP) ; $currentIPlong <= ip2long($endIP) ; $currentIPlong++) { $myPing = new NetPing(); $result = $myPing->checkHost($currentIPlong, '', 1); $currentIP = long2ip($currentIPlong); $hostname = gethostbyaddr($currentIP); printf("Host %s (%s) is: %s %s\n", $currentIP, $hostname, str_pad('', 40-strlen($hostname)), $result ); } } **netping.php** icmp_socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 1); socket_set_block($this->icmp_socket); } private function getIPChecksum($data) { $sum = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($data); $i += 2) { if ($data[$i + 1]) { $bits = unpack('n*', $data[$i] . $data[$i + 1]); } else { $bits = unpack('C*', $data[$i]); } $sum += $bits[1]; } while ($sum >> 16) { $sum = ($sum & 0xffff) + ($sum >> 16); } $checksum = pack('n1', ~$sum); return $checksum; } private function startTime() { $this->timer_startTime = microtime(); } private function getTime($acc=2) { // format start time $startTime = explode(" ", $this->timer_startTime); $startTime = $startTime[1] + $startTime[0]; // get and format end time $end_time = explode(" ", microtime()); $end_time = $end_time[1] + $end_time[0]; return number_format($end_time - $startTime, $acc); } private function buildPacket() { $data = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwabcdefghi"; // the actual test data $type = "\x08"; // 8 echo message; 0 echo reply message $code = "\x00"; // always 0 for this program $chksm = "\x00\x00"; // generate checksum for icmp request $id = "\x00\x00"; // we will have to work with this later $sqn = "\x00\x00"; // we will have to work with this later // now we need to change the checksum to the real checksum $chksm = $this->getIPChecksum($type . $code . $chksm . $id . $sqn . $data); // now lets build the actual icmp packet $this->request = $type . $code . $chksm . $id . $sqn . $data; $this->request_len = strlen($this->request); } public function checkHost($dst_addr, $src_addr = "", $timeout = 5, $precision = 3) { if ($this->ping($dst_addr, $src_addr, $timeout, $precision) !== FALSE) { return "UP"; } return "DOWN"; } public function ping($dst_addr, $src_addr="", $timeout=5, $precision=3) { // lets catch dumb people if ($src_addr <> "") { //if there is no source, then ping via default interface if (!socket_bind($this->icmp_socket, $src_addr, 0)) { $errorcode = socket_last_error(); $errormsg = socket_strerror($errorcode); die("Couldn't bind socket: [$errorcode] $errormsg\n"); } } if ((int) $timeout <= 0) { $timeout = 5; } if ((int) $precision <= 0) { $precision = 3; } // set the timeout socket_set_option($this->icmp_socket, SOL_SOCKET, // socket level SO_RCVTIMEO, // timeout option array( "sec" => $timeout, // Timeout in seconds "usec" => 0 // I assume timeout in microseconds ) ); if ($dst_addr) { if (socket_connect($this->icmp_socket, $dst_addr, NULL)) { } else { $this->errstr = "Cannot connect to $dst_addr\n"; return FALSE; } $this->buildPacket(); $this->startTime(); socket_write($this->icmp_socket, $this->request, $this->request_len); if (socket_recv($this->icmp_socket, $this->reply, 256, 0)) { $this->time = $this->getTime($precision); return $this->time; } else { $this->errstr = "Timed out"; return FALSE; } } else { $this->errstr = "Destination address not specified"; return FALSE; } } }